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FRAMINGHAM – Here is where motorists may encounter construction in the City of Framingham this week of June 5, 2022
Construction may include City of Framingham work, MassDOT projects, gas main or water main work or other utility work, along with paving.
Work is weather permitting and schedules may change.
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Buckminster Street Gas Main Replacement: Eversource Gas will continue replacing gas main and service lines on Buckminster Street. The road will be closed to traffic, and a detour will be in effect. Please seek an alternate route.
Bonvini Drive Road and Sidewalk Improvements: Prepare for final paving. Expect minor impacts at times.
Carlson Road Water, Sewer, and Roadway Improvements” Punch-list items. Expect minor delays at times.
Edgell Road Water Pump Station : The pump station site will tentatively be paved on Monday, June 6. Due to the nature of paving operations, some on-street interruptions are possible. A one-way alternating traffic pattern may be in effect on Edgell Road between Frost Street and Scott Drive while paving is conducted. Expect minor to moderate impacts at times.
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Edmands Road Gas Main Replacement : Eversource Gas will continue replacing gas main and service lines on Edmands Road between Edgell and Garvey Roads. Expect moderate to significant delays. Edmands Road southbound traffic will be detoured onto Genardy Way, Livoli Road, and McAdams Road.
Harmony Lane Road and Sidewalk Improvements:Prepare for final paving. Expect minor impacts at times.
Loring Drive and Western Avenue Pedestrian Improvements:Sidewalk work continues. Expect minor impacts at times.
Nobscot Intersection Improvements” Install sidewalks and curbing on Water Street. Overhead cables will continue to be relocated. Expect moderate delays. A lane shift or one-way alternating traffic pattern will be in effect. At times, traffic will be detoured through the CVS plaza.
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Old Connecticut Path Roadway Improvements: Utility castings will be adjusted. At times, a lane shift will be in effect. Expect minor impacts.
Route 9/126 Drainage Project – MassDOT: Drainage work will be conducted at night, Sunday-Thursday, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. on Worcester Road/Rt. 9 East and West. Expect moderate impacts. A lane shift or lane closure will be in effect.
Route 9.126 Drainage Project, Gas Main Relocation: Gas main work continues. Expect minor to moderate impacts.
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Union Avenue Roadway Improvements: MassDOT’s contractor will continue removing existing pavement on the road. Work will occur on Union Ave. between Main Street and the Sudbury River Bridge, Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. A detour will be in effect during working hours. Union Avenue southbound traffic to be detoured to Franklin Street. Northbound travel only on Union Avenue. Please seek an alternate route. Expect delays.
Wood Terrace Roadway and Sidewalk Improvements: Sidewalk work continues and the road will be prepped for final paving. Expect minor impacts at times.