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FRAMINGHAM – District 8 City Councilor is proposing new rules for the Framingham City Council for session 3.

The City Council began in 2018, when Framingham became a City, after more than 300 years as a Town. The 11-member Council created rules for the legislative branch in addition to those outlined in the City Charter.

In 2020, during the second session of the City Council, those rules were amended.

District 8 Councilor Stefanini is looking to amend the rules for the third session, which started on January 1, 2022.

“I am looking forward to learning from and collaborating with each of you, and for us collectively with the new Mayor, School Committee, and other community leaders, to make Framingham a better place to live, learn, work, and play over the next two years. Our Rules will set the tone and format for this to happen,” wrote Stefanini to his fellow councilors.

“The Rules that govern the Council need not only to be fair and equitable, but they also need to encourage participation, diversity of ideas, collaboration amongst and between municipal leaders, accountability and transparency of decision making, and provide a format for our municipal government to devise and
implement a shared vision with identified strategies and tactics to make it a reality,” wrote Stefanini to the other 10 Councilors.

Stefanini, in his memo to the Council, said his amended Rules advance these goals by:

  1. Embracing and reaffirming the Council’s believe in and support for the spirit and intent of our
    Framingham Home Rule Charter;
  2. Empowering subcommittees to collaborate with interested parties, the Administration and the
    public to evaluate current practices and to propose new ones within their given scope of authority;
  3. Mirroring the operations of municipal government to ensure complete review and focus of the
    policies, procedure and efficacy of all governmental functions and expenditures;
  4. Creating predictable and transparent forums to openly discuss the fiscal affairs of our community;
  5. Expanding opportunities to collaborate with the Mayor on public policy and matters of import.

SOURCE asked Councilor Stefanini why these rules are needed and what he hopes the new rules would accomplish.

The Councilor provided SOURCE the same answers in the email to the Councilors.

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By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.